Scarica CV

Artista svedese contemporaneo


I am a visual artist and painter based in Stockholm, Sweden, with an MFA from Beaux-Arts de Paris.

My paintings explore the relationship between the human condition and the surrounding world. I am fascinated by how individual experiences and collective images intertwine in our perception of reality.

In my work I explore themes such as how the individual and the collective create each other and where we, as a society, may be heading. I am also interested in exploring how fear drives social trends and political change.

Painting is my tool for reflection that bridges the gap between impression and language, providing a platform to explore uncertainty and the unknown, where multiple perspectives can coexist.

I have exhibited at Galleri Artem in Stockholm, Rättviks konsthall and Skissernas Museum in Lund. My paintings are included in the art collections of the Swedish state, Uppsala Art Museum and Tyresö Municipality. I have also received several grants and awards. Among other things, I have received the Swedish Arts Grants Committee’s one-year working grant once and their two-year working grant twice. As an artist, I have participated in public talks and lectured, taught, and held workshops in art programmes.

Artista svedese contemporaneo