
Galleri Artem

Contact Erik Sigerud

Welcome to my contact page. I appreciate your interest in my work, and I’m happy to connect with those who want to explore painting in greater depth. Whether you’re a curator, collector, critic, or fellow artist, I welcome meaningful dialogue about art and its role in the contemporary world.

Inquiries about exhibitions and collaborations

If you’re interested in my paintings for an exhibition or a gallery representation, I would be pleased to discuss potential collaborations. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to exhibit in various galleries and museums, and I continue to look for new spaces that challenge conventional perspectives. I am particularly drawn to collaborations where the artwork can engage viewers in conversations about society, history, and the complexity of human experience. I invite you to reach out and explore how my paintings could contribute to your upcoming exhibitions or projects.

Commissioned work and acquisitions

For collectors or institutions interested in acquiring my work, I am open to discussing current availability and commissions. I believe art creates a space for reflection and exploration, and I approach commissions with the same care and consideration as any other project. My process involves collaboration with the commissioner, ensuring that the work speaks both to my artistic intent and to the vision of the collector. Whether you are a private collector or representing an institution, I am happy to answer questions about my portfolio and availability.

Educational projects and public talks

In addition to painting, I often engage in public talks, lectures, and workshops, sharing my approach to artmaking with others. If you are organizing an event, seminar, or educational program focused on art or creative processes, I am available to contribute my insights. My focus in these engagements is not just to present my work, but to encourage a broader conversation about the evolving nature of painting and its relevance today. I believe in the importance of questioning, exploring, and, most importantly, learning from others.

Artistic techniques and studio visits

For those who are particularly curious about the techniques and processes behind my work, I occasionally host studio visits. This provides an opportunity to see the layers of creation firsthand. My process is often experimental, beginning with sketches and evolving as the layers of paint build. If you’re interested in arranging a visit to my studio in Stockholm, feel free to contact me to discuss potential availability.

Reflections on art and society

I am particularly interested in how art reflects and influences societal dynamics. In my work, I often explore themes related to social norms, individual agency, and the ever-shifting relationships between personal and collective narratives. If you are involved in critical discourse, whether as a writer, curator, or academic, and wish to delve into discussions about these themes, I welcome your inquiries. I believe that meaningful conversations about art extend beyond the visual and into the philosophical, social, and political realms.

How to contact me

For all inquiries, please feel free to contact me via email or through the contact form provided on this page. I aim to respond to all inquiries promptly. Whether you wish to discuss a potential collaboration, inquire about available work, or simply start a conversation about art and its possibilities, I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your interest in my work. Art, for me, is not just a solitary practice but one rooted in connection – with others, with society, and with the world we live in. I am always open to exploring how my work can resonate in new contexts, and I welcome opportunities to engage with you.